Inklet refund
Inklet refund

  • You owe money for past taxes, child support, to another state or federal agency.
  • Your tax information is confidential and we are obligated to protect that confidentiality. If you plan to use a check cashing service to cash your refund check, remind the check cashing vendor that we cannot verify any information about your refund over the phone.
  • An amount claimed for estimated taxes paid that doesn't correspond with the amount we have on file.
  • Missing entries in the required sections.
  • Typically, a refund can also be delayed when the return contains: Keep in mind that acknowledgment of the receipt of your return takes place when your return has processed and appears in our computer system. Paper returns take approximately 30 days to process.

    inklet refund

    If sufficient time has passed from that date, call our Refund line. If not there, call your preparer to make sure that your return was transmitted to us and on what date.


    If you filed electronically through a professional tax preparer and haven't received your refund check our online system. We usually process electronically filed tax returns the same day that the return is transmitted to us. If you choose direct deposit, we will transfer your refund to your bank account within a few days from the date your return is accepted and processed. If you're expecting a tax refund and want it quickly, file electronically - instead of using a paper return. Remember to include your name, Social Security number and refund amount in your e-mail request. You can also e-mail us at to check on your refund. Be sure you have a copy of your return on hand to verify information. You can check the status of your current year refund online, or by calling the automated line at (410) 260-7701 or 1-80.

    Inklet refund